by Paris Tosen


Revised and Updated with End Notes! In WHY MALAYSIA AIRLINES FLIGHT 370 VANISHED, Paris Tosen argues how a disappearing plane, the Russian occupation of Crimea, Edward Snowden, and extreme weather events point to a secret Climate War.

Surrounding the odyssey of Flight 370 are geophysical negotiations, military tactics, earthquakes, winter storms, and two superpowers: America and Russia. While Tosen highlights the doomed Malaysia Airlines flight and the invasion of Crimea, he also adds a provocative global hypothesis based on select extreme weather events. Why Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Vanished argues that the disappearance of a plane helped prevent a new Russian-American war. The event also exposed a secret climate war, the likes of which has never been made public.

Also published as World War C: The Secret and Destructive War Between Russia and America.

Why Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Vanished

5.2 x 8, 126 pp
ISBN 9781499519105
paperback, NONFICTION

published on May 11, 2014

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